The tell-talesigns that your dog is stressed


Have you recently seen a behaviour change in your dogs? Are they unusually tense, or distant, or being grouchy? These are all Signs Your Dog is Stressed. Sometimes you wished that your dog could tell you what is that is making them all stressed out. However, though unable to spell in words, your dog is projecting all kinds of the sign of being stressed.

Signs that your dog is stressed

If it is the first time that you have brought in a dog, then below you will find signs that indicate the sombre mood of your dog.

  •     Rigid or flattened ears
  •     The white of the dog’s eyes
  •     Unfocused barking
  •     Showing gums
  •     Yawning
  •     Decrease in appetite
  •     Tucked tail
  •     Diarrhoea, bloating, or gas
  •     Excessive licking
  •     Shivering or shaking
  •     Tense muscles
  •     Abnormal shedding
  •     Itching and scratching
  •     Licking lips and nose

And why they are behaving like this?

After understanding the signs that your dog is stressed, understand why they are so

  •     The change in routine makes the dog nervous since dogs thrive on routine.
  •     If your dog is bored off, then they are stressed. They need mental stimulation
  •     Loud noises, sounds of crackers makes them stresses
  •     Traumatic events like car accidents, disasters, neglect, abuse, or any other former trauma can  make them stressed out
  • The isolation stress, or the separation that they faced while living in a family can also be the r eason that your dog is stressed out
  • New people, situations, crowded places, strange hands petting the dogs can make them stressed out
  •  Even the owner’s mood can stress a dog.

Ways to alleviate stress

There are ways you can help your best friend overcome stress

  •     Stick to their routine. If you are traveling, then ask someone to keep them in their routine life.
  •     Create a safe zone by placing a crate or mat, where your dog can lie down when they are stressed
  •     Get the help of a trainer to help your dog to settle in the new home
  •     Bring the toys, that they can play with
  •     Try to be closer to them, when there are loud noises. This creates a sense of comfort for them


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