Amazing places to go Glamping near London and have fun

Once upon a time, people used to be excited about going camping. But now it doesn’t appeal to anyone. Why so? Preparing your food in the camping site when all you want to do is rest; not having a shower for days when you want to soak into that bubble bath. Annoying insects at night, and dangers in the campsite, when all you want to do is have fun and relax. For those who have been living in urban areas and luxury, such camping experiences can be horrific. But the adventurous soul in you keeps nagging you to experience the wilderness but in a lavish way. So what do you want camping but a glamorous one? Coined in Great Britain, the term Glamping is actually “glamourous camping”. Glamping has become one of the perfect weekend gateways. It is for those urban people who want to experience the open air and the sky but with all the comforts thrown in. Let’s stir the adventurous soul in you with these 5 motivations for glamping. From beaches to the wilderness, Glamping...